

The company LLC «Ruschemtrade» successfully works at the market of transshipment of liquid chemical cargoes, oil and oil products since 2002. Delivery of oil, oil products and liquid chemical cargoes is carried out with the moorings of the port of Temryuk both the domestic market and abroad. The company LLC «Ruschemtrade» is engaged in realization of the investment project for transportation of oil, oil products and chemical cargoes in the port of Temryuk.

For realization of industrial activity on handling of hazardous cargoes (oil, oil products and liquid chemicals) LLC «Ruschemtrade» has all necessary licenses and packages authorization documents, including ecological conclusion of the state expertise. It should be stressed that for ensuring industrial and environmental safety of the production process handling, LLC Ruschemtrade» organized emergency rescue. In addition to the necessary equipment OSR part of rescue formations ( the volunteer emergency response team ) are small auxiliary vessels, such as oil MHMC-55 and small boats for booms installation, ensure the prevention of spreading of spilled oil and oil products in the water area of the port of Temryuk.

In accordance with the company's development plans, the current period of development of leasing (bareboat Charter) vessel-bunker for the implementation of handling and bunkering activities in the ports of Temryuk, Kavkaz, Taman with an estimated turnover of up to 500 tons/year. It is also planned expansion of its fleet (bareboat Charter) up to two units - tankers of the river-sea class with the capacity of 3.5 or 4.5 tons for the implementation of the transshipment activities on anchorage and handling offshore areas of the sea port of Temryuk, the Caucasus and Taman.